We Are The Faces Of Kratom. We Are The Faces Of America, With KDBEAUTIFUL ~

It gives me such hope and inspiration to read all of your stories. I almost forgot to sneak my story in here. We are all warriors and by no means is the FDA, DEA, or any Doctor going to take this God-Given-Plant away from us. It is not going to happen.

With that said, here is my Kratom Journey ~

I am a nurse who suffered a bad accident that nearly killed me. It left me with several injuries and permanent debilitation. I have Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Degenerative Disk Disease, torn disks, TMJ, bursitis, and ligamentous laxity. I also have PTSD. I suffered for more than 20 years, at the mercy of western medicine. The only option I was offered for pain relief was morphine/opioids.

I wasn’t able to enjoy life as a mother or caregiver for all that time, due to negative side effects, such as increased brain fog, lethargy, and drowsiness caused by these FDA approved drugs.  I was homebound most of the time and could not participate in many functions. However, that all changed after I found Kratom, an herb grown in southeast Asia. I got my life back. It gave quality back in my family’s life as well.

Now, I can sleep better. I am not weighed down with fatigue anymore. My pain is well controlled. I have mental clarity, with zero change to my personality.

Instead of taking 30 mg of morphine a day, I wake up and stir 1 tsp of pure leaf Kratom Powder into hot bubbling water and make myself a cup of Super Green Malaysian Tea.

Kratom does not impair or intoxicate you. Instead of feeling sleepy and lethargic from prescribed opioids, now my state of mind and mental capacity is crystal clear. I no longer have to fight my way through crippling fatigue. I am no longer at risk for respiratory depression, associated with FDA approved opioids.

I have my life back now. I am a better mother, daughter, friend, caregiver and productive member of society, all because of this wondrous plant named Kratom. We MUST keep this plant safe and protected. Therefore, the absolute truth and real science MUST be exposed. NOT LIES spread by the FDA and DEA in an attempt to ban Kratom. We NEED to keep this beloved PLANT, PROTECTED and ACCESSIBLE to all those in need.

This plant is not killing people. It is SAVING people’s lives. In no way shape or form should this plant be banned ANYWHERE. It is helping with numerous ailments such as chronic pain, depression, anxiety, fatigue, diabetes, weight management and in my opinion, it is the closest thing to curing addiction.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story!

Hi my name is KD~BEAUTIFUL and I am inspired by each and every one of you. All of you who took the time out of your busy day to share your touching story. Thank you for allowing me to share an important part of your lives. I am grateful to have found Kratom 6 years ago. I’ve been passionately advocating for it ever since. With that said, I am sending a hug with luv to every single one of you.

One thought on “We Are The Faces Of Kratom. We Are The Faces Of America, With KDBEAUTIFUL ~

  1. I can’t imagine how anyone with CRPS or fibromyalgia gets around and functions. My aunt has it, and she’s currently taking that lyrica crap for it, and the one time I tried it it didn’t seem to work, but I’m not claiming to have fm.This latest scientific study by the kratom herald might be why kratom works so well, essentially mitragynine gets converted into 7-o-mitragynine, which gets converted into mitragynine-pseudoendoxil. All three of those are powerful pain killers, and all three are found in kratom. That might be why it works so well, but whatever the reason is, it works. I am a bit worried about the truth in labeling effort getting thrown out since people seem against it, but that’s another story. All I want is good clear dosing advice, and no not approved by the FDA etc etc etc. Other than that, the label can say whatever it wants.


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